Posts Tagged ‘limefield park’

Limefield Park

Friday, January 23rd, 2009

Border Terrier dog, chewing a ballSheep dog running in a field
Golden light, clear air, frosty ground, pretty dogs, pure cheese!

8th April 2008

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

This chap lives on my street. He is a real talent on a bike and rarely rides these local park dirt jumps any more – they just ain’t big enough for him.

It seems like shooting this sort of thing is a lesson in keeping it simple; sun near straight on, fast shutter speed, wide angle lens to show the landing/context, getting in very low and close (i.e. lying in the mud in this case), then just shooting loads. On the ‘cool sports’ theme, I love the work of photographer [Ryan Allan] who has shot some amazing skate, bike and surf images, but all shot in an natural, earthy style. Inspiring.

18th March

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008

I need to work on someone to have their picture taken in this location, its such a moody backdrop in early morning sunlight.

13th Febuary

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

Week day filler shots, local park.