Iceland rock detail. Click images to view larger
Tags: detail, iceland, rock, stone | Comments (4)
Cool photographs, specially the first one. I like that one very much. Almost seem like something from a scene in LOTR or similar movies. Maybe we will see Frodo climb there someday hehe… ;)
Wow awesome pictures!!!!
Are those rocks square?
Yes these amazing rocks are square – they would look great with one of your manga characters climbing up them – fancy it?
I like the top one best – bet it would look great in a big print, with all those different shades of grey….
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Often misquoted as Practice makes perfect…Practice is everything.
Cool photographs, specially the first one. I like that one very much. Almost seem like something from a scene in LOTR or similar movies. Maybe we will see Frodo climb there someday hehe… ;)
Wow awesome pictures!!!!
Are those rocks square?
Yes these amazing rocks are square – they would look great with one of your manga characters climbing up them – fancy it?
I like the top one best – bet it would look great in a big print, with all those different shades of grey….